David McFarland, CEO and Founder of Coterie

In this episode, David McFarland and I talk about Coterie, empowering the Small Medium Business (SMB) insurance with APIs and a digital binding authority. David elaborates on working with other startups and his team.

Coterie’s posts on LinkedIn—celebrating new hires—caught my eye. I asked David about his team-building strategy and his approach to hiring outstanding talent.

We hire on five things. The first thing is - we have a need, and you have to have a superpower to meet that need. Another way to say it is like we hire on the presence of strength not the absence of weakness


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Book recommendations

“Principals” by Ray Dalio https://www.principles.com/ "Poor Charlie's Almanak" by Charlie Munger https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/944652.Poor_Charlie_s_Almanack "Influence" by Robert Cialdini, Ph.D. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28815.Influence