In 2017 InsurTech Los Angeles community grow from 1 to 151 members in Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/InsurTech-Los-Angeles-Meetup/) and over 100 subscribers to insurTech.me.

It has been a year of growth and experiments. We experimented with the events' format and thanks to the feedback we adjusted the format to the community's taste.

First, I would like to thank all the wonderful speakers that made the effort, allocated their valuable time and traveled to Santa Monica to share their wisdom and experience. 

InsurTech Los Angeles first meetup

Thank you Daniel Schrier and Adam Gabrault for providing an industry overview and expending on Customer Experience and the technology solutions that can reduce the frictions and improve the customer's satisfaction. My favorite was Sara the virtual insurance agent. 

March event - founder talk

Thank you Max Drucker, CEO, and co-founder of Carpe Data, for holding the floor for almost two hours. Max with his endless energy held the audience captive and engaged. If you are an entrepreneur and you wish to enter the insurance industry - go and talk to Max. 

May event - Investors Talk.

Thank you Colleen Poynton, VP at Core Innovation Capital and Christine Carrillo, CEO of JOANY (formerly Impact Health) for discussing InsurTech startups and venture capital in front of the Los Angeles InsurTech community and answering their questions. People enjoyed the small panel/talk between Colleen the VC and Christine, who at the time closed a $13M series A.

July event - "InsurTech and Blockchain".

 Thank you Andreas Freund PhD for making the trip from San Diego to be July's speaker and for keeping your peace when people asked you about Bitcoin...

September event - The future of the agency

Thank you Jason Cass for joining forces with me and interviewing Jeremy Hallett. Jeremy has over twenty years of experience as a Life insurance agent and your help and energy were spot on. Jeremy, thank you for flying in from Minnesota and keeping your zen on FB Live.

November event - Geospatial Insights

Thank you Tommy Ashman sharing your founder's story and the development of your product.