Curtis Goldsborough, National Insurance Inspections Services

In episode 114 of #InsurTechTalk Gilad Shai talks with Curtis Goldsborough from National Insurance Inspections Services (NIIS).

Curtis Goldborough joins Gilad Shai to talk about Ice Fishing, the change in insurance inspections, the value of National Insurance Inspections Services to Personal Lines property vs. Commercial Lines property, and rapping at InsureTech Connect.


0:05 Introduction and Ice Fishing

03:16 The transition to self-inspection

07:47 Inspection for Underwriting vs. Claims

12:11 Why Google Street View and Google Earth are not good enough

16:38 Underwriting inspection "horror" stories

20:24 The business life cycle of insurance

23:50 Limitations of aerial imagery

25:38 Tech

32:09 Growth and working with regional and national insurance companies

36:41 Rapping at ITC

40:58 A word of advice


Robert Galbraith, Nick Lamparelli, Bill Van Jura, Ema Roloff

#Insurance #inspectionservices