
Bold Penguin, InsNerds at InsurTech LA

The idea was to bring Ryan Hanley, CMO of Bold Penguin (at that time), to talk about Bold Penguin, Marketing and Commercial insurance. Ryan is a source of endless energy (check out his site that I wanted to introduce to the local scene.

Bold Penguin caters to agents and broker by providing them leads reselling their surplus leads. So, I asked Nick Lamparelli from InsNerds and Profile and Risk podcast to join the party.

Thank you for ORACLE for hosting InsurTechLA event at their Santa Monica offices.

InsurTechLA at Orcle.JPG

Interview with Andrew Egenes - Layr

Interview with Andrew Egenes - Layr

Andrew Egenes is Co-Founder and Head of Product for Layr.

Layr is an AI-powered business insurance platform that automates the role of brokers and underwriters which enables small business owners to purchase insurance tailored to their company in minutes while performing the most common insurance-related tasks from a simple self-service portal.